The feast of St Don Bosco celebrated at renovated Don Bosco Hall
The feast of St. Don Bosco, Patron saint of The Konkani Natak Sabha ® Mangalore was celebrated at renovated Don Bosco Hall, Mangalore on 16th February 2022 at 6-30 PM. The celebration began with the thanksgiving Eucharistic Mass. PRO of Mangalore Diocese and Parish Priest of Bejai church Rev. Fr. J.B Saldanha was the Chief Celebrant. Fr. Paul Melwyn D’Souza, the President of Konkani Natak Sabha, Fr. Fredrick Rodrigues, Fr. Francis Fernandes, Fr. Steevan Dsouza, Fr. Prakash Colaco were the co Celebrants.
After the Holy Mass, a program was organized to felicitate Rev. Fr. J.B Saldanha who was recently appointed as PRO of Mangalore Diocese, Thereafter KNS President Rev. Fr. Paul Melwyn D’souza was Felicitated for having completed 25 years of his Priestlthood and his dedicated contribution towards the development of Konkani Natak Sabha in general and Don Bosco Hall in particular.
Rev. Fr. J.B Saldanha said Bejai parish and St Anne’s Frairy have a cordial relationship, to make this bond stronger I wholeheartedly accepted the invitation to be a part of this celebration, He also added every member of the Sabha present here irrespective of their age are artists by their own calibre. He wished Rev. Fr. Paul Melwyn D Souza all the success in his future mission.
KNS President Rev. Fr. Paul Melwyn D Souza in his message said, in Feb 2021 we had started the renovation work of Don Bosco Hall and now after 1 year we have successfully completed the renovation with the help of Donors and wellwishers of the Sabha. He thanked the executive committee, The Managing Committee, and every member of the Sabha for their support towards the renovation project. He also requested everyone to give the same support and co-operation in the days ahead too.
A small token of appreciation was given to all the artists of “K.D Bona B.A” Drama which was enacted on the occasion of 78th Annual Day Celebration of KNS on 13-02-2022.
As a part of entertainment a short cultural program and various games were conducted by Mr. Joseph Theodore.
President Fr. Paul Melwyn D’souza D’Souza gave the message of the feast. Vice President Liston Derrick D’souza welcome the gathering, General Secretary Floyd D’mello compared the program Treasurer Gerald concessao rendered a vote of thanks Joint Secretary Praveen Rodrigues assisted with the Executive committee. A large number of members of the Sabha and artists of KD Bona BA Drama participated in the celebration.
The program concluded with singing the KNS anthem, followed by dinner.